Saturday, November 1, 2008

the dawn of a new era?

maybe we all live nostalgic lives. maybe we just decided to live with a recognized tension of good and evil. just maybe we decided to frame our lives, every past and present memory into a big whole colorful collage that we will one day refer to.

how has it been, that to some of us ignorance was bliss, to some knowledge was the beginning of a crucified thought? and that to some of us we are still striving hard for a meaning, an identity, and after all this we have still failed to find what we define best?

being an observer, i have questioned the tides of life that measures itself through time. a new dawn is just around the corner for me, a new chapter? a new beginning? thats all to cliche to call. i would just say its another turn, another lane, another choice to make.

the coming days, even our enemies, the antagonists of our lives are also having their dawns, their choices. surprisingly, these antagonists, the people who seem to destroy us will walk into a new dawn, a clean slate. its when they are there, where it all begins.

how then should we accept all this? its not like we live long to count all the moments in life, but then we have been destroyed but just for a moment, because of teachings, ideals, relationships, foolishness, youthfulness.

how? somehow if only our conscious was easy to deal with.


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